A Message of Gratitude from Syrian Christians USA.
Hi, my name is Mirna Barq and I am the president of the Syrian Christians USA. I am speaking to...
Hi, my name is Mirna Barq and I am the president of the Syrian Christians USA. I am speaking to...
The recent advancess by opposition forces in Syria have rekindled hopes for freedom, dignity, and justice among many Syrians, both...
In a world striving for progress and prosperity, coexistence remains the ultimate value that fosters love and solidarity. In Syrian...
Observed annually on October 1, the United Nations International Day of Older People highlights the contributions and challenges of the...
For those living in camps without medical care in the chill of winter, pain grows daily among children, the elderly,...
At the heart of every Syrian meal sits a loaf of bread—a symbol of dignity and simplicity. Despite ongoing crises,...
Every morning, Syrian refugee families in camps wake up with the same burden: how will their children quench their thirst...
As part of the ongoing efforts of the Syrian Christians in the United States organization to support Christians and non-Christians...